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- Defense of the Reich for Il2 4.101 and UP 3.0/DBW
Defense of the Reich for Il2 4.101 and UP 3.0/DBW
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12 years agoMon Oct 29 2012, 09:42amMain Admin
The Defense of the Reich campaign was designed for Il2 4.1.0, dgen.exe, Ultrapack 3.0 and DBW .
Included is
- a Luftwaffe fighter campaign from 1943-45 and (Defense of the Reich)
- an USAAF fighter campaign 1943-45. (Battle over Germany)
The USAAF fighter campaign has mostly airstarts. You can fly nearly every plane that is historic correct and/or some others added for fun.
I?ve done a new skin pack for the new campaign:
More than 100 skins done by myself, i have assembled the skins into one big generic skin pack for the Defense of the Reich campaign and the new West front campaign.
You can start the Luftwaffe campaign ?Boelckes Defense of the Reich? in the campaign rooster
or the USAAF fighter campaign ?Boelckes Battle over Germany? in the USAAF campaign rooster.
The campaign contains the following subcampaigns:
- Germany Berlin 1943
You encounter bomber formations mostly without escort. Sometimes some P47 and/or P38 will appear, but only a few.
- Big week February 1944
The bomber formations are now larger and all the formations are now escorted. P51 fighters are shown the first time.
- Germany Berlin Spring 1944
The USAAF fighters are becoming more aggressive and skilled.
- Balaton Hungary 1944
You will encounter formations of the 5th USAAF from italy, with famous units like the checkertail clan and others.
- Northern germany atumn 1944
In autumn 1944 the luftwaffe units were reassembled and equipped with new fughters after the huge losses suffered at the invasion battles. You will now encounter USAAF and now RAF planes also. New planes like the Fw190D9 will be available for you as Luftwaffe pilot. The missions are totaly different to the previous, with much more fighter bomber interception and twin engined bomber formations of the 2nd TAF and 9th USAAF.
- Berlin end of 1944
The last stand against huge formations of US planes over Berling. Mostly bomber interception missions. A lot of new planes are available for Luftwaffe even the new jets.
- Bodenplatte (*new*)
Take part in the Ardennes operations of the Luftwaffe or USAAF.
- Germany 1945
The US planes are doing much more fighter sweeps and ground attack missions. The missions are harder for Luftwaffe pilots.
- Battle of Berlin 1945
Defending the town against the russian army, you will encounter VVS forces in large numbers. It?s totally different to the missions against the USAAF.
- Jet age, the last days
The intention was to create a short subcampaign of the last days before defeat, with all the jet planes available in Il-2 - a "what if".
Flyable planes:
BF_109G6 Mid
BF_109G6 Erla
BF_109G6 Late
BF_109G5 AS
BF_109G6 AS
BF_109G10 C3
BF_109G10 Erla
BF_109G14 AS
BF_109K4 C3
FW_190D9 late
ME_262 A1A
AR_234B2 NJ
Unzip the files and copy them into the DGEN folder of Il2, there are some few files from BOE included so that you can play the Ardennes subcampaign, if you have BOE already, you can overwrite these files, it will do no harm.
I?ve done a new skin pack for the new campaign:
More than 100 skins done by myself, i have assembled the skins into one big generic skin pack for the Defense of the Reich campaign and the new West front campaign.
get them here:
IMPORTANT: Recommended settings for the [DGEN] section of the CONF.INI:
My settings are these
Very important is
MaxFlak: I inserted a lot of anti aircraft guns in the Berlin map, make sure that MaxFlak is NOT more than 40 or you will have a flak hell over Berlin. With 40 you will have a lot of flak, adding immersion. If you don?t like it, experiment with less than 40.
MaxBomberSkill: Set it to "0" or the sniper gunners of the Fortresses will shoot you to pieces from huge distances.
DIABLE "UseParkedPlanes" or the campaign will crash when changing to the NWE and Ardennes maps.
A video from the campaign at youtube:
You will need a decent hardware to play with the large bomber formations, if you encounter FPS problems try the patch with smaler bomber formations - reduced from 39 to 26 planes combat boxes. Copy the files from the zip file into the DGEN folder of IL2 OVER THE CAMPAIGN FILES, overwriting the old files, that?s it:
Smaler bomber formations
Thx to all the guys who tested the beta versions and helped me to finish this work, Arquillos, CMWV, Gerson, gerz_b, Milantarik and LeOne.
The campaign file pack pack is a non commercial product. Every commercial use is denied by the author.
Do not upload the campaign anywhere else or alter the campaign files.
Contact the author at for permission. -
Main AdminSome examples from the new skin pack:
Horrido -
Main Admin
Level 2Boelcke,
I am having a bit of a dilemma! I am doing this campaign and have done the USAAF 1943 part and running through the German 1943 part now.
I tried to generate the next part for the USAAF ie `Big Week' but there is nothing on the main screen, no missions, no planes to select, everything is blank...!
Krys -
Main AdminCheck this out:
If this don?t help, look into your Il2 folder for a file called dgenerror.log and/or dgenerror2.log. Copy the contetend of the files and paste it here.
Level 2Hi Boelcke,
Okay, this is weird!, I tried the files in the link above, made no difference, and thought I would try updating the Dgen folder with Azuras new Dgen update. That worked, it now runs your campaigns ok except...wait for it... all the briefing info is in Russian!!!
how do I get round that one!
Sorry to be a pain with all this
krys -
Main Admindid you install dgen.exe vers. before that?
Asuras dgen.exe is still wip and has a lot of bugs. Language is adjusted in the dgen_mod.ini, add the line
to it. But like said it?s wip, a lot of bugs and no support from me.
Level 2I do have Dgen on file,
can i Uninstall Asuras Dgen and install
thanks for all your help mate, much appreciated that there are guys out ther that are willing to devote thier time to help guys like me. -
11 years agoSat Apr 13 2013, 08:02pmLevel 2I have a copy of my previous setup with Dgen Dgen folder backed up.
can I overwrite the Asuras Dgen folder with the old one? that may cure it.
writing the language line didn't work.
I swapped out the Dgen.exe files and it generated the campaign with all in English.
so hopefully that may have fixed the problem.
I will move all the Dgen files that are dated today which are the Asuras ones into a temp folder and run the game to see if it works okay further down the line...
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