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- Coming soon: FW190D9 Black 6 III./JG2
Coming soon: FW190D9 Black 6 III./JG2
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12 years agoLevel 1Hi gang...
This skin has been sitting on my desktop for well over a year now, and I think it's going to be my first release since coming back to A&A after nearly a year long hiatus. The reason for putting this out now? In a word, C6 Claymore's Fw190 mod...I've been having a blast with it. Furthermore, it includes one of the variants of the D9 that I have been waiting to have in game (as a publicly released mod): The Ta-152 style tail for the D9.
A few details about the plane:
-One of the several known D9s built with the Ta-152 tail at the Mimetall factory in Erfurt
-Blown canopy
-Late 3 piece gun cowling with flair on the lower edge to accommodate for bulge on engine cowl
-Undersurfaces were RLM 'Light Green'
-Underwing was 1/2 RLM 75, 1/2 natural metal
-Uppersurfaces were RLM 83/81
-Upperwings were RLM 83/75...port wing root was painted RLM 81
-Red Oxide patch over port side lift hole
-Port side W.Nr. partially oversprayed, starboard side visible
Take a look (click on pics for enlargement):
There are a few little things that need to be fixed up a bit, but I think she's about 90% done
As always, any comments or constructive criticism is welcomed!
KC -
Level 9Phew !!
That will be a well deserved tribute to Clay's FW/Ta pack ... -
12 years agoLevel 1Thank you very much Casey, great job !
Take care about the structure lines & rivets and the black cross on the fuselage between fuselage and tail meshes, you don't need any more to distord the markings
You can take the structure line & rivets from the Anton's series now for all the Dora series :yes: -
12 years agoLevel 1Thanks guys!
@ Claymore: I noticed the line structure changes when I was taking the screenshots...that makes skinning the Dora so much easier now. I added it to my list of things to fix, and like you say just transplanting the Anton's line & rivets set for the changed area should go quick and easy. The skin should be ready to release either Friday or Saturday...I'll post at SAS when it's ready to go.
Again, great job on the mod Claymore
KC -
AdminGreat to have you back Keith, and true to form. Your skins are coming back to life. You know I will be hitting you up for advise
12 years agoFri Jun 22 2012, 05:30pmLevel 1Hey Merv, thanks's good to be back
I got the template adjusted for the new 3D model for the D9, and finished the skins fairly quickly last night. It only took a couple of hours to sort through FBS' template and find all the layers that needed to be fixed up. I love the template, but sorting through 1,000 layers just to find two or three things is a pain in the arse! At least I did track them down eventually...I'd hate to see somebody try and do it who isn't familiar with that template. It's a beast
Now that the skin's done, I just need to figure out how to upload them to the new site! I hate to bug Tailhook with silly questions like that...sheesh, I should know this stuff by now, right?
Anyhow, here's a quick look at what the release page screenshot is going to look'll probably double as the 'News' item on the home page for the website (click pic to enlarge to full size):
KC -
12 years agoLevel 1Wow great job !
12 years agoLevel 1
12 years agoAdminThe 'FBS'template based doras always looked excellent and these are no exception! Great work.
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