
MTO campaign skin pack Part 1 - V 2.0

Author Boelcke
Description MTO Campaign Skinpack Zps4adad28c

114 skins for all planes of the MTO campaign for Luftwaffe, RAF, Reggia Aeronautica and USAAF.

- Most of the desert skins done by Boelcke for:

Bf109 E4-G6, Bf 110, Fw 190A, Fiat G 50, Gladiator, He 111, Hs 129B, Hurricane MK I and II, Ju 87B, Ju 88A4, MC 200, MC 202, MC 205, Me 210, P 38, P40, Spitfire MK VC, MK VIII and MK IX, Wellington MKIII

- Many thx to Cheruskerarmin who supported this project with his great skins for Ju 87D, Ju 52 and Me 323
- RAF desert A 20 from Kristorf
- USAAF A 20, B 25 and B 24 by Jarink
- B 17 E by unknown
- Desert C 47 by vpmedia
- Beaufort MK II by Hayate

For pictures of the skins check this thread:
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Size 60MB
Date Tuesday 15 October 2013 - 17:36:30
Downloads 3652
5/5 : 4 Votes


  • 3 years ago
    0 0
    thanks!!!!!as always beautiful!
  • 10 years ago
    0 0
    Jeez Detlef ...!!

    114 MTO skins, you want me to wet my pants or what ...?? biglaugh