
Me323 Gigants on the Eastern Front 1943-1945

Author cheruskerarmin
Description A skinpack with 46 fully marked and 3 generic and non-marked Me323's, each single one based as well as possible on historical photographs. Many of the original a/c were early D-1 to D-6 variants, the game variant is closest to the E variant, which i. e. had the two additional upper wing turrets to increase defensive fire power. I therefore adapted the skins to match closest the e-variant.

Many compromises were necessary because of asymmetrical mapping and stretching of the 3D model, so forgive me it wasn't always possible to skin all details 100% correctly/historically.
Included are Me323 which belonged to KGzbV323/TG5 and TG4, the units which flew the gigants in active front-line service. There were some school/training/replacement or maintenance units which used
the Me323 as well but in much less numbers.
Image Me323GigantsEasternFrontthumb.jpg
Size 32MB
Date Saturday 17 March 2012 - 12:03:21
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