
467th BG 790th BS Skinpack Part 1

Author Jaypack44
Description This skinpack includes a total of 15 skins representing 8 aircraft of the 467th BG, 790th BS over the period of May 1944-May 1945.

*upload split into two parts due to filesize- Part 1 includes OD finished a/c, and Part 2 includes NMF A/C


B-24H-15-FO 42-52512 Q2-L "Baffling Brat"- Shot down by flak over Austria on the July 12, 1944 mission to Munich.

B-24H-15-FO 42-52534 Q2-M "Witchcraft"- An original group aircraft, Witchcraft flew 130 missions without a mechanical abort. My great uncle, Fred Jansen, flew her on the 4/31/45 mission to Brunswick, Germany. I have depicted her at four stages in her career- at 12 missions, at 100 missions, at 124 missions, and at her final tally of 130 missions.

B-24H-15-FO 42-52559 Q2-R "Miss Fortune"- Force landed at Dubendorf, Switzerland aftter the July 12, 1944 mission to Munich.

B-24H-25-FO 42-95057 Q2-A "Angel"- flew over 100 missions with the 467th before returning to the US in 1945.

B-24H-25-FO 42-95162 Q2-U "Perils of Pauline"- Shot down over Brunswick on August 5th, 1944.

B-24J-1-FO 42-50737 Q2-N "737"- Returned to the US in 1945.

B-24J-5-DT 42-51354 Q2-K "354"- Returned to the US in 1945.

B-24J-65-CF 44-10596 Q2-J "Rhienmachen"- returned to the US in 1945.

Also included are four generic skins; two OD and two NMF.


Template by me (Jaypack44), with elements taken from templates by Jesters-ink (some weathering), Jarink (masks, some weathering and other effects), and Emel (Lines, rivets, some effects,lighting, some paint layers, and many others...). Some internals by Crazy_277, some by R0NNC0, and some by me.


Feel free to use/abuse these skins as you see fit. This includes for missions, campaigns, and the like, provided proper credit is given. Please do not upload them (or any modified versions of them) ANYWHERE without my prior permission. For commercial use, please contact me before proceeding.

Questions, comments, criticisms, feedback, etc. can all be directed to me via PM on,, or, or via my email at @

Thanks, and enjoy!


B24 467 Release Zpsbc1a20b7

11 Zps785ec6d9

15 Zpsa55040ca

30 Zpse1c98abf
Image b24_467_release.jpg
Size 5MB
Date Friday 15 March 2013 - 05:44:42
Downloads 2013
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