
B-24J 492nd Bomb Group Skinpack v1.0

Author Jarink
Description The 492nd Bomb Group was formed from the elements of the 801st Provisional Bomb Group to carry out "special operations" over Europe. The reason for the name change was to provide a better "cover" for the operations. The 492nd BG was chosen as the sacrificial groups as it had recently suffered very heavy losses and was therefore the most logical group to disband. The 492nd's B-24s were normally heavily modified for the "Carpetbagger" missions of dropping secret agents into Nazi-held territory, dropping supplyies to resistance groups and so on.
Image 492bgpack.jpg
Size 8MB
Date Tuesday 11 September 2012 - 02:25:37
Downloads 1854
5/5 : 3 Votes


  • 11 years ago
    0 0
    How sweet Jarink. Beautifully done.

  • 11 years ago
    0 0
    Many thanks for these Jarink, and thanks to Admin for sorting out the initial download problem. Funnily enough I visited the Carpetbaggers museum only a week ago. Run by amateurs it is really more of a collection of veterans' personal memorabilia than a systematic Squadron history. One item of real interest was a propoganda/training movie filmed on site during the war by the great director John Ford. Strange to think of him working in rural Northhamptonshire with U.S. aircrew rather than Monument Valley with the Duke.
    Thanks again for the skins, I shall soon be hunting them by moon-light over occupied Europe.