
F-84G RNoAF 336 Skvadron - Gardarmoen

Author RAF_Loke
Description 9 skins of Norwegian F-84's from 336 Squadron.

Template author: Highlander_262
Roundels: RAF_Loke

336-skvadronen ble i opprettet på Gardermoen i juli 1949, ved at den ble utskilt fra 331-skvadronens Vampire-ving. Vampire-flyene ble i 1953 skiftet ut med F-84 Thunderjet. I 1958 ble hele skvadronen flyttet til Rygge flystasjon, hvor de ble satt opp med F-86F Sabre jet frem til F-5 gjorde sin innmarsj i Luftforsvaret.

I 1965 kom de første F-5 Freedom Fighter-flyene til Rygge og ble brukt helt fram til skvadronen ble nedlagt i 2000.


336 Squadron was created at Gardermoen in July 1949, it came from the 331 Squadrons Vampire Wing.
The Vampire planes were in 1953 changed for the F-84 Thunderjet. In 1958 the whole squadron was moved to Rygge Airbase, where they were equipped with F-86F Sabre jet until the F-5 made it's entry to RNoAF.

In 1965 the first F-5 Freedom Fighters arrived at Rygge, and they were in use until the squadron was closed 1st. June 2000.
Image 336skvadronf84ana.png
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