
Skin pack - Westfront and Reich Defense (Pt.1 USAAF generics) V1.1

Author Boelcke
Description For my new Westfront campaign and the new Defense of the Reich campaign i have assembled a unified skin pack for the generic skins. I´ve splitted the skin pack into three parts: Luftwaffe, USAAF and RAF (with some french and Belgium skins).

Most of the skins are done by myself, some few older skins from well known skinners are included, like CanonUK, Goodwood and others.

Also there are skins included from other A&A members, like Cheruskerarmin, Jarink, mapal, Heerdt, RDDR, Rudi_Jaeger and Kristorf (hope i didn´t forget anyone).

Many thx to Cheruskerarmin, Jarink, mapal, Heerdt and HB_Pencil who did some skins especialy for the campaigns cheesey

I have also to thank all the guys from A&A, without the access to their great templates, it wouldn´t have been possible for me to create such a mass of new skins.

The skins are zipped (without self installer) unzip them and copy it into the \paintschemes\skins folder of your IL2 installation.

The skin file pack pack is a non-commercial product. Every commercial use is denied. Do not upload the skins anywhere else or alter the skins.
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Size 71MB
Date Monday 30 April 2012 - 19:55:20
Downloads 6159
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