
Spitfire MkVb (Clipped) Wg Cdr Ian 'Widge' Gleed

Author kristorf
Description Spitfire MkVb (Clipped Wing) flown by Wg Cdr I.R Gleed, O/C 244 Wing, Goubrine South, April 1943.

Delivered to the RAF in January 1942 AB502 was shipped to Takoradi were it was fitted with the smaller 'Aboukir' filter before being delivered to 244 Wing. It became Wg Cdr Gleed's personal 'mount' in March 1943. Gleed used this aircraft, marked with his famous 'Figaro' motiff at least 35 times prior to his death on 16th April, having claimed one Bf109G destroyed and two more damaged. On the day of his death he was attacking Axis Transport aircraft over the Tunisian coast when he fell victim to Bf109G's of I./JG77 and Fw190A's of II./JG2 that were escorting the transports.

The paint scheme is accurate to photo's of Gleed's aircraft at the time of his death.

In the .rar are three skins, IG-G, one 'Figaro' with roundels and one with tail flash only.

Made with Jaypack's template and bits of my own stuff.

Fits MkVb clipped versions.
Image MkVbGleed2thumb.jpg
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