
Bf109G-14, WNr 512382, Horst Schlick - V2

Author Boelcke
Description Bf 109G14, 4./JG 77, Schönwalde November 1944, pilot Horst Schlick, WNR 512382

According to the WNr the plane was build by the WNF factory. I´m not shure about the yellow rudder, i saw a lot of photos from that plane but one could nerver see the rudder. But the WNF build planes hat usualy a yellow cowling and a yellow rudder, so it´s most likely.

Horst Schlick served with JG 77 from the invasion of Russia till the end of ww2 and was one of the few early war pilots of the unit who survived.

V2: Added a skin with alpha layer into the zip file
Image bf109g14_horstschlick.png
Size 16MB
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